Table of Contents:

For Boss Users:

3. Dashboard Overview

  • Overview of the Main Dashboard

5. Advanced Features for Boss Users

  • Dynamic Forms
  • Integrations
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting
  • Automated Workflows

For Workers:

7. Task Management

  • Creating and Assigning Tasks
  • Updating Task Status
  • Collaborating with Team Members

For Developers:

12. SDKs & Libraries

  • Overview and Benefits
  • Setup and Installation
  • Sample Code

13. Webhooks & Integrations

  • Creating Custom Integrations
  • Using Webhooks for Real-time Updates

15. Troubleshooting & FAQs

  • Common Issues for Boss Users
  • Common Issues for Workers
  • Developer-specific Issues

16. Glossary

  • Explanation of terms, acronyms, and jargon.

17. Feedback & Support

  • How to Provide Feedback
  • Contacting Support
  • Community and Forum Links

1. Introduction

About the Software

Our task system is a state-of-the-art web-based solution designed to streamline and simplify task management. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, it provides users an unparalleled platform to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively.

Key Benefits

As a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offering, our task system offers the benefits of seamless updates, easy scalability, and reduced IT overhead. But what truly sets us apart is our integration with cutting-edge AI technology. This not only augments decision-making capabilities but also introduces predictive analytics and automation, ensuring that your task management is always a step ahead.

Supported Platforms / Browsers

Compatibility is key. That's why we've ensured that our software supports all major web browsers across both desktop and mobile platforms. Furthermore, for those looking to integrate our capabilities into custom software systems, we offer a robust API that facilitates seamless connectivity.

2. Getting Started

Account Setup

Begin your journey by creating an account using a valid email address. Once your account is set up, explore our range of features. To access premium functionalities, choose from our subscription plans tailored to your needs.

Basic Configuration

Your new account opens up to a clean slate, ready for personalization. While it might seem daunting at first, remember you don't have to master everything immediately. Start with the basics like Notes, Links, Contacts, and Events. As you become more comfortable, gradually explore more advanced features like Tasks, Task Templates, and Shell. Each module is designed to enhance your productivity at your own pace.

Initial User Onboarding

After registering, you'll receive an email to verify your account. This is an important step to ensure the security of your account and to activate all features. Follow the instructions in the email to complete the verification process and begin your journey with us.

5. The Future of Customizable Task Management: Unleashing The Power of Dynamic Forms

In an age of relentless digital evolution, the ways we interact with online platforms, handle tasks, and manage workflows are continuously evolving.

Traditional task management systems are static, forcing users into a one-size-fits-all approach. But imagine a world where every task, big or small, fits perfectly. Welcome to our Dynamic Form System.

  • Adaptability: Evolve your tasks as your business needs change.
  • Efficiency: Use metadata to carry forward data, eliminate redundancy, and enhance speed.
  • Personalization: Customize every element of your forms.
  • Scalability: Seamlessly handle projects of any scale or complexity.

Dive in, explore, and experience the future of task management with us.

Breaking Down the Dynamic Form System

Our task management system is engineered to offer flexibility and efficiency through its core components: Metadata, JSON Schema, and UI Schema. Each plays a crucial role in the creation and management of dynamic forms.

What is it?
Metadata is essentially "data about data." It functions as a detailed ledger, recording specific attributes and contextual information about each task.
Why is it important?
Metadata serves as the backbone for contextualizing tasks. It facilitates the seamless integration of data across various tasks, ensuring that important details are carried forward. This continuity is key to maintaining efficiency and coherence in task management.
JSON Schema (Data Schema):
What is it?
JSON Schema acts as the architectural blueprint for your task data. It outlines the expected data types, constraints, and overall structure of the data associated with each task.
Why is it important?
The schema's primary role is to enforce data integrity and structure. By providing a clear definition of data requirements, it ensures that all collected information is consistent, predictable, and conforms to established standards. This is crucial for maintaining data quality and facilitating automation and data processing.
UI Schema (View Model):
What is it?
The UI Schema is responsible for the visual representation of the data structure defined by the JSON Schema. It provides customization options for the layout and design of form fields, widgets, and other interactive elements.
Why is it important?
The UI Schema bridges the gap between backend data structures and front-end user experience. Its importance lies in its ability to tailor the presentation and interaction with the data to fit specific user needs and aesthetic preferences. This customization enhances user engagement and ensures a more intuitive and user-friendly interface.

JSON Data and Task Templates

Start with your JSON data. Don't have any? See some examples here or create here.

JSON Schema (Data Schema)

[ Picture of JSON code or UML diagram here ]

Describe your form object using a JSON file. It includes names, types, values, and sizes of fields.

Create your JSON schema here and preview the form online.

UI Schema (View Model)

[ Picture of the code and its corresponding wireframe UI here ]

Use a JSON file to list the labels and options for the UI.

User Interface

[ Picture of the UI with data inside, rendered in Bootstrap here ]

The final result is displayed on the worker form. The submitted results are stored in the blob field.

Basic Examples

Example Code:

  • Python

6. Account & Billing

Subscription Plans

Plans can be found on the homepage.

Payment Methods

Since we use Stripe for secure processing, we accept a wide variety of payment methods.

Billing History and Invoices

You can access this information from your dashboard.

11. API Documentation

API Overview

Our API allows you to interact programmatically with our platform, enabling you to manage tasks, view statuses, and much more. It's designed for developers who want to integrate their applications or automate workflows.

Authentication Methods

We use token-based authentication for securing our API. Each request must include a valid API token in the header. Tokens can be obtained through your user dashboard. You can find your API key from the dashboard or through this link.

Endpoints, Request & Response Formats

The API provides various endpoints to access different functionalities. Requests should be made in JSON format, and responses are also returned as JSON. Here's an example endpoint for tasks: For a detailed list of all available endpoints, their request methods, and response formats, please refer to our full API documentation.

List Tasks
Here is an example `curl` command to list tasks:
curl -X GET \
          -H "Authorization: Token YOUR_API_TOKEN" \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Replace `YOUR_API_TOKEN` with your actual token.
Task Details
To get details on a specific task:
curl -X GET \
          -H "Authorization: Token YOUR_API_TOKEN" \
          -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Replace `YOUR_API_TOKEN` with your actual token and TASK_ID with the id of the task.
List Task Templates
curl -X GET \
            -H "Authorization: Token YOUR_API_TOKEN" \
            -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Replace `YOUR_API_TOKEN` with your actual token and TASK_ID with the id of the task.
Create A Task

         % curl -X POST \
     -H "Authorization: Token YOUR_API_TOKEN" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
           "title": "New Task with Template",
           "urgency": "normal",
           "template": "TEMPLATE_ID",
           "instructions": "Please follow the template guidelines",
           "json_form": {},
           "metadata": {},
           "priority": 1,
           "due_date": "2024-03-25T00:00:00Z",
           "project": "PROJECT_ID"
         }' \
Replace `YOUR_API_TOKEN` with your actual token. Replace `TEMPLATE_ID` with your template ID. Replace `PROJECT_ID` with your project ID.
List Projects

         % curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Token YOUR_API_TOKEN" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Replace `YOUR_API_TOKEN` with your actual token.